Workshop Submissions
Full Workshop Submissions
All submissions must be original research not under review at any other venue.
Solicited submissions include both full technical workshop papers and white position papers. Maximum length of such submissions is 6 pages, and if accepted they will be published by ACM and appear in the ACM Digital Library.
Work-in-Progress and Demo Submissions
Abstracts describing work-in-progress and demonstrations are also welcome and warmly encouraged. Submissions are limited to 2 pages, and if accepted included in the program as a short oral presentation – but will only be published on the workshop website (not the ACM DL). Deadlines for this informal track remain open even past the early registration deadline of MobiSys 2019; author notifications will be rolling (i.e., max. of 4 days after submission) to enable early authors to take advantage of available discounts.
Formatting and Submission Site
Formatting for all submissions (excluding page length) must adhere to the guidelines here:
All submissions must be uploaded to the workshop submission site available here:
Any questions regarding submission issues should be directed to Stylianos I. Venieris (
Keynote Speakers
Christos Bouganis
Imperial College LondonKoen Helwegen
Plumerai ResearchAdrià Gascón
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline:
May 15th - 11:59PM AOEJune 5th - 11:59PM AOE - Author Notification:
June 29th - WiP and Demo Deadline:
May 30th - 11:59PM AOE - Workshop Event:
Friday, 25th Sept 2020
- Paper Submission Deadline:
Call for Papers [PDF]
Keynote Talks
Attendee Information
Technical Program
Prior Workshops